28 October 2018

Swing Metal? Epica vs Metropole Orchestra (Short)

Two years ago I wrote a post about my favourite symphonic metal band, Epica (Those who missed it can find it here). Although I don't want to make a habit out of posting about the same artist twice, I felt I had no other choice after listening to the song they released this week. The song titled Beyond The Matrix - The Battle is a rework of the original Beyond The Matrix, which was already a symphonic masterpiece. In this rework however Epica teamed up with the Metropole Orchestra, a Dutch hybrid orchestra playing both big band and symphonic music and one of the largest of its kind in the world. The result is a nine minute long battle between swing jazz and symphonic metal which works out surprisingly well. Although I have to admit it's not the most accessible song and requires a couple of listening sessions to really start appreciating it. I've heard it several times now but still discover new melodies and musical layers. I urge you to give it a try as well, who knows you might even like it!

Check out more of Epica on their official YouTube channel.

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